Guiding resources for presenting the Umbra brand consistently and professionally
The name
“Umbra” is pronounced uhm·bruh. Defined, Umbra means the fully shaded inner region of a shadow cast by an opaque object, especially the area on the earth or moon experiencing the total phase of an eclipse.
Allow ample space around Umbra brand assets. Whether large or small, ensure they have the necessary room to breathe and avoid feeling cramped.
This is a reminder that you must maintain consistency in branding, presentation, and marketing in accordance with Umbra’s supplied guidelines and specifications, available in our Brand Guide. Do not alter these files in any way, display these graphics in a way that implies a relationship, affiliation, or endorsement by Umbra of your product, service, or business. Do not use these graphics as part of your own product, business, or service’s name, or combine these graphics with any other graphics without written consent from Umbra. Get in touch if you have questions.
Umbra logo
The Umbra logo should be used in all references to Umbra as space allows. Monochrome is preferred, though we allow the use of color variants with the brand colors below.
Umbra logotype
The Umbra logotype should be used in cases where the mark becomes illegible. This may occur when printing at small sizes or with specific types of inks.
Umbra mark
For tight layouts or logo-only grids, the Umbra mark is a concise way to refer to Umbra.
Umbra colors